Monday, May 5, 2008

Sequels... maybe

Iron Girl for sure. It looks like that one will take place mostly on the steppes. Featuring Tamishena and a tribe/clan of Iron Men... shamanism, ironwork, fighting arts. Tami is a partly-trained Dancer. There needs to be a Drummer with her.

I like Iron Girl, but will probably use a different title for sales: something with "Drum" in it. Maybe Drumming up Iron. Keep the "Drum" constant in the series.

Later: the Raft People story. Tentative working title, Worse Things Happen at Sea. Though it will probably end up being called Ocean Drums, or something like that. I may find a place there for some of the stuff I developed in "Riding the Sea Dragon"-- certainly the Indo/Fili culture will work with it.

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